Snehan Chakravarthi Signature | Logo


Welcome to the site.
My name is


a multi-disciplinary
developer + designer

Take a look at these specially selected PROJECTS   where I've showcased my abilities!

1.  programming

I'm a full-stack dev geek with a flair for crafting functional eye-catching web apps, dabbling in everything from 3D, AR/VR to LLMS and Generative AI With a strong foundation/passion in comp sci and bachelors degree in information tech, I'm always leveling up in the tech game.

Macbook Device showing an application


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Designed and developed a full stack app for a client - Acetrait AB, Swedish startup aiming to automate first stage of the recruitment process for organisations using AI.

  • ⭐️ OpenAI Assitant API and finetuned llm model
  • ⭐️ Vector Embedding + RAG for custom AI knowledge
  • ⭐️ AI applicant resume parsing
  • ⭐️ NextJS 14 with edge functions and server side rendering
  • ⭐️ AI interview process and grading system
  • ⭐️ PostgreSQL + Supabase Realtime

Zero da Vinci

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An interactive three.js site for product launch with blog section and stripe paywall.

  • 🌟 3D & AR visualization
  • 🌟 Scroll animations & camera control
  • 🌟 Optimized low-poly models (17k verts)
  • 🌟 SEO-ready MDX Blog
Macbook Device showing an application
Iphone device showing an application

Bonbloc AI Chatbot

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Built a chatbot for Bonbloc, a company that focuses on providing solutions using Blockchain, IoT, and AI technologies. Built the chatbot using Angular, and the backend using Express and NodeJS adhering to their existing codebase and tech stack. Fetches realtime data from their API to provide context to the chatbot.

  • ⭐️ Speech to Text + Text to Speech features
  • ⭐️ Integration with existing Angular application
  • ⭐️ Containerised Docker Server

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The website you are currently on. A personal portfolio.

  • ⭐️ ThreeJS and 3D avatar
  • ⭐️ Dark mode and fully responsive
  • ⭐️ TailwindCSS heavy
  • ⭐️ Astro Static Site
Iphone device showing an application

2.  industrial design

Holding a master's degree in Industrial Design and a keen eye for geometry, perspective, and shapes, I've developed several physical products and designed many others. My two most significant projects in industrial design were collaborative efforts with NASA and IKEA, which eventually led to the founding of a startup. This venture gave me valuable insight into the startup world and business operations.

3.  entrepreneurship

As a master's student, one of my prototype was showcased at Milano Design Week under IKEA, going viral online and sparking global interest. This led me to co-founding a startup, raising over 1 Million SEK to commercialize the concept. Although the venture concluded after two years, the experience enriched my understanding of developing meaningful global products and services.

4.  art

I don't sketch as often as I did in my childhood, but now, I make it a point to preserve them since I've lost most of my early sketches. As for art,it's my escape from reality; there's a certain tranquility in just being with myself, the canvas, and letting creativity flow.

Drawing of a young boy with water over his face
Drawing of an unicorn and a horse
Drawing of Mother Teresa and a child
Drawing of a hand grabbing a thigh
Drawing of a chimpanzee
Drawing of the Big Ben

more about me


Snehan Chakravarthi


Trichy, India

Current Location:

Malmö, Sweden




  • • Full Stack Developer
  • • 3D developer
  • • Industrial Designer


  • • Master of Fine Arts in Industrial Design
    Lund University, Lund, Sweden (2020)
  • • Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology
    SRM University, Chennai, India (2018)

Work Experience:

  • • Full Stack Developer at Indie Hacking, 2023 - Present
  • • Co-Founder at Motsats Furniture, 2021 - 2023
Snehan Chakra Varthi

Straight outta the green farmlands of South India, that's where my tale unfolds. I grew up with dirt on my hands and creativity in my heart, spending my childhood days sketching away. Things got real interesting when a computer landed in our house. Boom! There I was, a little artist turned digital wizard, messing around with 3D Max like there was no tomorrow. I was designing all sorts of things, from cars to buildings, and even a few robots.

College was all about cracking the code, literally. I was knee-deep in coding and software, loving every bit of it. Then came the itch for something more – Industrial Product Design caught my fancy. Next thing I know, I'm in Sweden, chasing higher studies and it bacame my base since. I started my career as a Product Designer and started a company called Motsats. After that, I found my love for coding again with the rise of AI and I have been coding ever since.

My mornings? A ritual. Brew some strong coffee and dive into VS Code. My coding sessions are nothing without Hanz Zimmer and Ludvig Goransson's epic scores, plus a sprinkle of serene, instrumental vibes. Afternoons are for geeking out – gym sessions with my buddies, listening to Lex Fridman dinner with ThePrimeagen's video on the side, and slaying undead in Elden Ring to wrap up the day.

I'm all about chasing the new and the next – Space Rockets E/Acc AI you name it. If it's got a tech edge, I'm there, ready to tinker and explore. So yeah, that's me, in all my geeky glory. Welcome to the ride! 🚀


Reach out to me for any queries or collaborations. I'm always open to new opportunities. Let's connect!